Featured Class: Fall 2016: Junior First Lego League Robotics


We are learning so much about animals and about robotics this year in Junior Lego League.

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We have started to discuss and research our theme this year of Creature Critters. We have talked about where animals live and how they are taken care of. This has help influence the beginning of our Lego Projects, where we have started to build our very own interactive habitat for our animals.

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As the season moves on, we are so excited to see what is in store.


Flag Football

The boys have been practicing such great sportsmanship on the field this week in football. They have really demonstrated the mission of teamwork!


Ooey Gooey- Edible pumpkin patches

The boys had the biggest sweet tooth Monday, so we made our own edible pumpkin patches out of pudding, cream, crushed cookies, and candy pumpkins. The boys were so excited for this delicious treat!


Basketball Madness!

On Monday the boys had a blast playing a full court press in basketball. They even played games like knockout and horse. We hope the weather stays this great for more basketball fun!