Featured Class: Spring 2017: Basketball

Dribble Dribble Shoot!  Basketball is full of competitive sportsmanship and fun!  The boys love playing games and practicing their skills with their teammates. Even their coach gets into the Basketball mood and always participates with them!

Spring 2017: Lego Creation Fun

Enrichment always has a blast anticipating the start time of our classes.  The boys always create the coolest Lego creations while we wait! Here are just a few examples of those wonderful projects!  They are always so proud of their

Featured Class: Spring 2017: Martial Arts

In Martial Arts the boys had a wonderful time participating in an obstacle course while practicing all their skills. They worked hard through their front kicks, round kicks, sit ups, jumping jacks, and cross punches!  They helped each other and

Featured Class: Spring 2017: M-Cubed

M-Cubed has been rocking their math facts using the coolest games around!  They have been practicing multiplication and even some Algebra with their teacher! These boys amaze us every week with their quick math skills and they are always having a

Featured Class: Spring 2017: Acting and Improv

During Acting class the boys practiced acting out different emotions by using their facial expression in which the other team had to guess their emotions. They also played a fun activity where they created a class caterpillar with twisted legs

Featured Class: Spring 2017: Floor Hockey

The boys started practice with scoring skills and keeping their sticks down through offense and defense. The boys played many games up to 3 against a couple different teams.    They have gotten extremely well at passing and using their

Featured Class: Spring 2017: Martial Arts

The boys are mastering all their skills in Martial Arts.  They have been practicing their cross punch, front kick, and wheel kicks. They are focused, determined, and excited every week to learn new skills with their instructor.

Featured Class: Spring 2017: Water Polo

It is nearly impossible to get the boys out of the pool on Water Polo Days!  They practiced their defensive skills this week using their butterfly kicking strategies and boxing out! They took turns being offense and defensive to get